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Kuis Melulu Sih?

February 27, 2007

Perasaan aku posting tentang kuis melulu nih. Hihi.

Ini satu lagi kuis tentang tipe pembelajar yang seperti apakah kamu.

Kalo aku, hasilnya:

Visual: 47% –> dominan
Kinaesthetic: 33%
Auditory: 20%

Dikutip dari wikipedia:

Auditory learning is a type of learning in which a person will benefit the most from listening to lectures, speeches, and oral sessions. There is a type of learning style called Auditory/Verbal learning. Auditory/Verbal learners comprehend information best when the information is presented aurally. Benefits from this style of learning would be that these select people can listen to lectures and almost memorize what has been said from just one time heard.

Kinesthetic learning is a teaching and learning style in which learning takes place by the student actually carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or merely watching a demonstration. Building dioramas, physical models or participating in role-playing or historical reenactment are some examples.

Visual learning is a proven teaching method in which ideas, concepts, data and other information are associated with images and represented graphically. Graphic organizers, such as webs, concept maps and idea maps, and plots, such as stack plots and Venn plots, are some of the techniques used in visual learning to enhance thinking and learning skills.

Lha? Kok gak cocok ya. Aku inget banget, waktu jaman sekolah dulu, dari SD sampai kuliah, di kelas aku lebih suka memperhatikan dan mendengarkan penjelasan guru/dosen daripada mencatat. Memperhatikan dan mendengarkan itu = auditory kan? Jadi kalau yang ngajarnya jago, itu materi pasti gampang aku serap dan aku ingat, bahkan meskipun aku gak punya catatan. Langsung nempel aja di otak.

Sialnya kalau dosennya gak pinter ngajar, aku juga jadi bego, hehe. Padahal sih mestinya tetep bisa ya belajar sendiri. 😛

Euuhh.. jadi aku teh Visual learner atau Auditory learner atuh ??

From → bragging

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